Welcome to Madhuram

Established in 1985, Madhuram grew from humble beginnings of hand delivered home-made snacks to one of the largest distribution networks of its kind in Southern India

Using homemade recipes handed down by the glorious traditions of South Indian cuisine,Madhuram, based in Trivandrum, now reaches out to the length and breadth of three states- Kerala,Tamilnadu and Pondicherry.

Madhuram's manufacturing unit boasts of an eco-friendly waste management system, hygiene of the highest standard and natural ingredients of unmarched quality.

Mouthwatering and tempting, crispy snacks and sweets carefully packd to avoid crushing and delivered fresh with great care by Madhuram's own fleet of transport vehicles.

Using only the best natural oils and farm grown ingredients, Madhuram promises you the ultimate in South Indian snacks and sweets

Chairman Message

Using homemade recipes handed down by the glorious traditions of South Indian cuisine,Madhuram, based in Trivandrum, now reaches out to the length and breadth of three states- Kerala,Tamilnadu and Pondicherry.



Goals & Vision

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Our Location

Madhuram Head Office:

Madhuram Food Products, Plot no-43, IDA, Kochuveli, Titanium Post, Trivandrum-695021

Call : 9447724525

E-mail :

Sister Concern

Mahasreevari Food Industries Pvt Ltd:

Plot no-42, Industrial development area, kochuveli, titanium post, trivandrum-695021

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